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KPK 10 years NKŽI abused and gave more favorable terms to freight transport of BDZ

rail freight market

The business has broken market competition laws, and it has harmed customers, claims the antimonopoly body. The National Railway Infrastructure Company is taking advantage of its dominant position by making "BDZ Freight Transport" more enticing offers.

A charge like that is leveled by the Commission for the Protection of Competition. The country's rail freight market was subject to restrictions on or distortions of competition, according to KZK's announcement, which harmed consumer interests.

This was accomplished by putting "BDZ Freight Transport" in a superior position compared to other rail freight carriers by applying the entire strategy for different treading. Since 2010, this procedure has been used.

In practice, the company had the chance to avoid paying fees that other carriers must pay because BDZ TP is given a variety of conditions for access to and use of the rail infrastructure and service facilities. As a result of the use of a different methodology to estimate the demand for electricity, BDZ TP also received different terms for the distribution of electricity through the distribution grids of HKI.

The KZK's findings state that various options for paying back the debts owed by the BDZ TP to the other railroad operators have been put forth. The two businesses are part of the same economic group that is governed by the Ministry of Transportation.

All businesses using Bulgaria's railway system are required to pay an infrastructure fee to NKI, which is the only organization responsible for maintaining it. As a result of the use of a different methodology to estimate the demand for electricity, BDZ TP also received different terms for the distribution of electricity through the distribution grids of HKI.

The KZK's findings state that various options for paying back the debts owed by the BDZ TP to the other railroad operators have been put forth. The two businesses are part of the same economic group that is governed by the Ministry of Transportation.

All businesses using Bulgaria's railway system are required to pay an infrastructure fee to NKI, which is the only organization responsible for maintaining it. As a result of the use of a different methodology to estimate the demand for electricity, BDZ TP also received different terms for the distribution of electricity through the distribution grids of HKI.

According to the conclusions of the KZK, different possibilities were presented for the repayment of the obligations of the BDZ TP to the other railway operators. The two businesses are part of the same economic group that is governed by the Ministry of Transportation.

All businesses using Bulgaria's railway system are required to pay an infrastructure fee to NKI, which is the only organization responsible for maintaining it. since a different methodology was used to determine how much traction electric energy was reduced.

The KZK's findings state that various options for paying back the debts owed by the BDZ TP to the other railroad operators have been put forth. The two businesses are part of the same economic group that is governed by the Ministry of Transportation.

All businesses using Bulgaria's railway system are required to pay an infrastructure fee to NKI, which is the only organization responsible for maintaining it. since a different methodology was used to determine how much traction electric energy was reduced.

The KZK's findings state that various options for paying back the debts owed by the BDZ TP to the other railroad operators have been put forth. The two businesses are part of the same economic group that is governed by the Ministry of Transportation.

NKŽI is the only company that takes care of the railway network in Bulgaria, and all companies that use it are obliged to pay it an infrastructure fee.

As a result of the use of a different methodology to estimate the demand for electricity, BDZ TP also received different terms for the distribution of electricity through the distribution grids of HKI.

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